Retainer class
beagle holder
suitable for narrow and crowded maxillary teeth.
where the occlusion is too tight and there is not enough space for the hyper curved labial arch to cross the maxillofacial point.
Lingual retainer
suitable for maintaining fixed teeth after orthodontic treatment. This productis beautiful, invisible, stable, has little foreign body sensation, and does not affect normal pronunciation.
Harry Retainer
suitable for holding fixed teeth after orthodontic treatment.
With the hyperbolic labial arch, the retention snap ring acts as a fixation,which can apply adduction force to the hyperbolicarch and slightly adduct the anterior teeth.
Spring-expansion correction
Diamond Spring-expansion
suitable for narrow and crowded maxillary teeth.
Spring Appliance
suitable for anterior crossbite, teeth with inclination and normal roots.
Guide arch screw corrector
suitable for those with skeletal underbite and mandibular inability to retreat freely
Functional appliances
Sports Mouthguard
Suitable for use in strenuous sports (basketball, boxing, etc.). Sports mouthguards of different specifications can be selected according to the intensity of sport.
Headgear Muscle Actuator
suitable for anterior crossbite, teeth with inclination and normal roots.
Shark Snore Stopper
For the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndromeand obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome.
Frank III
suitablefor the treatment of mild skeletalunderbite where the mandible can recede.
Occlusal retractor
Suitable for Angle’s class II malocclusion that is rapidly developing in youth, and it can be used for latereplacement dentition and early permanent dentition, and it is most effective for the treatment of mandibular retrusiondeformity.
SGTB appliance
Suitable for protruding deformities with jaw position factors, including jaw position type, mixed type I and mixed type II.
Invisible appliance
No brackets, Almost invisible orthodontic product
【For people】
Suitable for individual tooth misalignment, crowded dentition, irregular teeth, interdental gaps, anterior crossbite (undercut, concave type), deep coverage of anterior teeth (buck teeth, convex type), deep overbite of anterior teeth (or deep overlay), mandibular shortening, bimaxillary protrusion, lip protrusion and front teeth opening and closing (narrow and long face). Those who wish to carry out individualized designs more suitable for invisible correction without brackets.